Web Ascent — Coming June 2007


Kristen Nicole, lead writer at Mashable, is holding an independent event in Chicago in June.

I am very pleased to announce Web Ascent, an event recognizing the sprouting technology communities. Web Ascent will be held in Chicago, Illinois, coming up this June.

We’ve seen a lot events in Silicon Valley. But I recognize that there is a need to showcase startups in other places of the country, where people are interested in technology and want to see the latest and greatest in the Web 2.0 space. There are tons of tech communities all over the country, and we need to showcase these start-ups.

I also think this is beneficial for start-ups, because they will reach an audience that may not have heard of their product. Others in the industry, from VCs to job seekers, are anxious to see what things are coming out of the Valley as well as from other parts of the country. Mashable will be a Media Sponsor for Web Ascent, and those attending are likely to receive coverage.

If you’re interested in presenting, sponsoring, or attending, email me at KristenNicole2@gmail.com.


More details to come soon! Subscribe to our RSS to make sure you get our updates first!


May 9, 2007. ascent, Chicago, events, mashable, Uncategorized, web.

One Comment

  1. Dubi Kaufmann replied:

    is there a specific date?

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